Jack Sonnemann speaks at Parliament House in Canberra.
Jack Sonnemann is renowned for his dynamic, encouraging, no-holds-barred style of presentation that incorporates fascinating anecdotes from his encounters with advertisers, politicians and pornographers.
He's been on:
Good Morning Australia, Today Show, Radio (commercial, ABC and Rhema)
and addressed:
Federal Parliament, State Parliaments, City Councils, Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, Toastmasters Clubs, RSL, ExSC, CWA, State Schools, Christian Schools, Retirement Villages and so many more than we can remember (and that's just in Australia, not to mention a large number of international conferences, radio, TV, newspapers...)
and spoken in Churches:
Anglican, AOG, Apostolic, Baptist, Brethren, Catholic, Charismatic, CCC, CLC, Church of Christ, COC, CRC, Independent Baptist, Latter Day Saints, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Quaker, Reformed Presbyterian, Revival Crusade, Salvation Army, SDA, Uniting and countless independent churches, home groups and youth groups.
AFF does not charge for any of these meetings. We do however ask that AFTER each and every speaking engagement those in attendance be encouraged to subscribe to the AFF Journal and purchase any materials that may be available. We also require that an offering be taken after each meeting to give an opportunity for those present to sow into the ministry of AFF.
AFF Director Jack Sonnemann was flown to Tamworth, NSW by their City Council to give this important address. Based on AFF’s submission Suffer The Little Children, this 50-minute talk has been given to other council sponsored events and outlines what the worlds foremost experts say about the effect of media sex and violence and how Australia’s politicians, bureaucrats and other “experts” ignore scientific reality.
Church ladies can invite friends along to hear some amazing stories about what ladies all across Australia are doing to help make this nation a better place for their children and grandchildren. They will hear stories about how the largest companies in Australia have removed advertising dollars from porn magazines and the largest retailers in Australia have removed smut magazines from their shelves because of action taken by ladies just like them.
Saturday afternoon or morning - allow 1½ to 2 hours
This seminar challenges people in all walks of life to be more active in the affairs of their community. Practical steps are explained in how to:
Remove pornography from a newsagent
Cancel offensive TV commercials
Cancel advertising contracts from pornographic TV shows
Remove ads (money) from porn magazines
Contact the Australian Broadcasting Authority (and others)
Write effective letters to the editor, politicians and advertisers
Lobby legislators
A one hour video, “Pornography: The Winnable War” by Dr James Dobson, will be screened during this seminar. Dr Dobson presents powerful reasons why we, as Christians, must fight the battle against pornography.
Please arrange for Jack Sonnemann to address Sunday morning and evening church services. The Scriptural basis for AFF’s national ministry will be explained as well as several exciting victories achieved by Australian Christians in the ‘winnable war’ against those attempting to further corrupt our culture.
Public Meeting — Friday or Saturday evening — allow 1 to 2 hours
Open to everyone. Find out how pornography is openly available to any and all children. Australian mainstream pornographers have openly used nude photos of a 15 year-old girl, published child molesters manuals, use ‘child magnets’ to attract children and ‘pseudo child’ imagery (grown women portrayed as children) in their smut magazines. Learn how ‘Non Violent’ pornography is a dangerous myth that actually triggers the rape of women and girls. Learn what others in Australia have been doing to close this dangerous doorway marked ‘pornography’. (Can include 1 hr video of James Dobson and serial sex killer Ted Bundy from US prison.)
Invite community leaders including pastors, police, doctors, politicians, teachers, etc. Jack Sonnemann will give these leaders a brief glimpse into Australia’s future based upon their actions today. Prostitutes teach career opportunities in schools, children have pornography displayed and sold to them, sexual penetration of a child has been removed from the Major Crime Index, we lead the world in youth suicide and Australia has the highest rape rate in the world. All this is happening now – how bad will we allow it to get before we say: “No more”?
Invite youth from all the local churches. Jack Sonnemann will address a public meeting for young people and parents and destroy a host of popular myths about homosexuality, “Safe Sex”, marijuana smoking, condoms, non-violent pornography and rape. Young people will be shown how they can work together to raise a Godly standard in their city.
About A.F.F.
We have been full time lobbyists for Aussie families since 1983. AFF is dedicated to upholding Biblical family values, promoting a Biblical Christian worldview, and educating and mobilising concerned individuals to positively affect their homes, communities, country and world.
We not only encourage Christians to be "salt" and "light", but provide credible strategies for doing so. One of our specific goals is the removal of pornography from the family marketplace where children have access.
Contact A.F.F.
Australian Federation for the Family c/o Grove Post Office Grove TAS 7109 Australia