This may be our biggest and most significant victory ever! We would never have been able to see this day without the tenacity of our members!
Thank the Prime Minister for taking the first step in honouring his promise to ban X Rated material in the Territories. Questions for the Prime Minister:
- If nothing is wrong with X rated pornography why is it banned in all of our states?
- When are you going to follow through on your promise to ban this same material in the Territories?
- You must be aware of the research linking hard core pornography to sexual violence so when can we expect the same protections for ALL residents in the Territories?
Promise - "It was during my leadership that the Liberal Party first embraced a policy of banning X Rated videos in the ACT." John Howard
Promise - "When in government we intend to ban X Rated videos from being sold and distributed in the Territories." Ian McLachlan
Promise - "… to ban X Rated material is Coalition policy." Kevin Andrews
Promise - Because "pornography degrades women" and because of the "research noting the links between pornography and sex crime, we will close the loophole allowing X rated videos to be mailed out from the ACT…" past Senate President Margaret Reid.
By taking the action of banning hard core pornography in the Aboriginal communities Prime Minister Howard is confirming that he knows pornography causes harm. Scientific research proves that hard core pornography causes the rape and sexual molestation of women and children. The Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues now acknowledge this by banning pornography in Aboriginal communities.
ACTION: Please contact Prime Minister John Howard, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Mal Brough and Attorney General Philip Ruddock, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600 and thank them for taking this courageous stand in the Aboriginal communities. Also, and this is very important, ask them when we can expect them to honour their promise to place the same simple restrictions on X rated, hard core pornography in the Territories.
Please don't let them say it can't be done. It is already law in all of our states and is now to be law in Aboriginal communities. ALL residents in the ACT and the Northern Territory deserve the same protections!!!
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Visit our Really Sorry page to see our winning strategy and Jack's letter to Mr Ruddock.