That was the battle cry of Shepparton, Victoria's local community concerns group, The Goulburn Valley Community Action Against Pornography.
Shepparton News, 30 Nov 2004, had pictured on its front page a large sign that reads, "Club X No Way" and contains a headline that says, 'Passionate Plea Against Porn".
Canberra's professional pornography apologist Fiona Patten says "they were experiencing more protest in Shepparton than they had in other areas."
The usual lies were spread out of Canberra about me (keynote speaker) but the almost 1000 people at the public rally heard the truth about the clear link between pornography and rape!
I was invited to address the public rally, speak to youth and community leaders and speak in several combined church services to help the women, children and families stop the application made for a Club X Mega Porn Supermarket in Shepparton.
Business leaders, Aboriginal leaders, church leaders, youth leaders, community leaders, families and individuals young and old all came out to express their opposition to this super porno outlet. One excellent speaker has just been awarded the Boy's Town "Father of the Year" award! The two aboriginal ladies were terrific! They simply stated 'we don't want it', 'stay away from Shepparton', 'we were here first and we don't want you here' etc. They were great.
Horns were honking by passing cars, trucks and semi's because two of Shepparton's young girls were holding a placard on the footpath beside the public rally that said, "Honk Horn For No Porn"! Fantasic.
After being attacked in the media by the porn professionals the TV and newspaper reporters at the rally I feel confiden t that I presented a clear and concise picture of why I was there and what we stood for. Under my picture the paper's caption read, "National anti-pornography campaigner Jack Sonnemann's message rang loud and clear at yesterday's rally - 'pornography causes rape'. As pornography increases, more women in Shepparton will be raped and more children will be molested".
I was able to quote from numerous scientific, peer reviewed studies that link pornography with rape and no-one left the rally without that fact firmly implanted in their minds.
The Goulburn Valley Community Action Against Pornography is a committee made up of strong Christians and have stood up to the wimpish councillors in Shepparton. They have made it very clear that the community does not want Club X, they have documented the proven causal relationship between porn and rape, they have made newspaper headlines and television appearances. They have asked Club X to show how their products will benefit Shepparton and of course no-one from Club X or Canberra's porn industry would debate me. They cannot defend what they publish.
The Goldburn Valley community group has really done this right. Please visit their excellent website at and see how to protest if the mega porno supermarkets try to come into your city. Send them an encouraging email and you can even contact the Shepparton newspaper and Council through their website. It's great!
Please pray for them - they are in the thick of the battle.