All Australian homes are invaded by Internet pornography. You can help us stop this atrocity. The UK has legislated that porn-users must opt-in for Internet porn. China does not allow Internet porn to be sent into their country. Don’t let the Australian PM say it can’t be done.
Go to and ask Prime Minister Tony Abbott to please respect the rights of millions of Australian families who want to protect their children and stop the extremely dangerous and totally unwanted invasion of their homes via offensive, hard core and grossly obscene Internet pornography. His mailing address is Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600. Australia Post knows who he is.
It is now well known that pornography is extremely addictive - actually changes the shape of the human brain - causes sexual atrocities to be committed, destroys marriages and is teaching all its viewers, especially our children, that women are instantly available for sex and do not deserve respect or kindness in their sexual encounters. See for scientific studies.
Why is it that the millions of us who don’t want Internet porn are forced to deal with it? Will the PM respect the rights of millions of Australians who don’t wish to be bombarded with grossly pornographic imagery by simply legislating so that those who want it have to apply for it. Simple solution to a HUGE problem (as most solutions are). Please send us his reply.