WARNING Distressing subject matter follows

Prepared for the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority
by The Australian Federation for the Family, 9 March 1995


Section 1) Children at Risk

Section 2) Assault on Schoolgirls

Section 3) Homosexuality and Paedophilia

Section 4) Paedophilia, Pornography and the Academic Paedophile Movement

Section 5) Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Mainstream Pornography

Section 6) Appendices


Australian columnist Beatrice Faust, writing in the Weekend Australian of 18-19 December 1993, indicates that advances have been made in Australia of what has become known as the International Academic Paedophile Movement. This term refers to professionals in Academia, the Media, Science, Government and other fields who are actively promoting adult/child sex by lobbying to remove age of consent laws, promoting the idea of early childhood sexual freedom and giving their imprimatur to the false notion that children are not harmed by sexual encounters, either homosexual or heterosexual, with adults.

World famous psychologist Dr Melvin Anchell, known as the "Psychologist to the Stars" for his Beverly Hills practice, in his book Sex and Sanity says he would rather treat a child crippled by polio than crippled by early involvement in sex.

Faust writes: "I wish people would be careful how they use the word 'paedophile'! Men who have intercourse with their offspring are not paedophiles. Uninhibited men who become casual about the age of consent or seek erotic titillation by transgressing it are not paedophiles either. The man in care - a politically correct way of saying 'not the full shilling' - who recently entered the lavatory of a primary school in Victoria to digitally molest two six-year-old girls was not a paedophile."

Her December 93 article is about paedophile author Hal Porter who, by his own admission "had sexual adventures with both men and women and underage girls and boys." Faust denies Porter was a paedophile and continues "Mary Lord's fair, sensitive and knowledgeable biography of Porter reveals that his many relationships included an infatuation with her four-year-old son, Patrick, that culminated in sexual activity when the boy was nine. This was a cross-generational relationship but it does not make the man a paedophile."

Perhaps Beatrice Faust is planning to write a book entitled "Paedophiles-Who-Are-Not-Paedophiles" and include any and all Australians in her circle of friends who are like minded. I am certain the Australian Federal Police would express interest in such a book. Paedophilia, according to the Revised Edition of the Macquarie Dictionary (1982), is defined as, "sexual attraction in an adult towards children."

Another candidate for membership in the Academic Paedophile Movement could be Anthony John Byrne, a former Melbourne University Administrator who, according to Melbourne Magistrate Mr Maurice Gurvich as reported in the Herald-Sun, 1 December 1992, possessed "an instruction manual on the seduction of children". Byrne used the University's computer to keep a list of the 169 regular clients of his illegal pornographic videos which depicted "child sex, bestiality, and sado-masochistic acts."

Magistrate Gurvich said the videos depicted "scenes degrading to the human spirit." Some showed "savage and brutal injuries inflicted upon women and children" and added that some of the children involved appeared to be "mere infants". He said Byrne promoted the fact that the videos featured young children and "found it difficult to accept that Byrne was not sexually attracted to children".

Former Director of Research for the Australian Institute of Criminology, Paul Wilson, according to a review of his book A Life of Crime in the Courier-Mail of 25 August 1990, had this to say about Clarence Osborne a homosexual child molester who had sex "with some 2500 adolescent boys over a 20-year period". "His collection of material included hundreds of photos" and Wilson says "he had come to see me because of my reputation as a civil libertarian and because he was sure I would respect his rights to privacy."

Paul Wilson says sure, Osborne "was guilty of having homosexual relations with minors. But was he a monster...?" Remember, sexually molesting over 2500 adolescent boys for 20 years and Wilson asks was he a monster? Another book by Wilson, The Man They Called a Monster , says that children should have the "right to sexual freedom" and advocates abolishing "any age of consent in sexual relations" and insists that given proper instruction "children should have the right to conduct their sexual lives with no more restrictions than adults...".

Victorian Parliament House of Assembly Hansard of 20 September 1990 records that the Kirner Labor Government removed "sexual penetration of a child" from the major crime index. Pat McNamara, then Shadow Police Minister is quoted as saying, "... sexual penetration of a child is no longer regarded by the government as a major crime." In some cases the police are forbidden to allocate sufficient manpower and resources to effectively act against a particular criminal activity commensurate with its location on the "major crime" index.

Who lobbied the Kirner Labor government in Victoria for this legislative measure? Why did her government then follow through and no longer consider the sexual penetration of a child as a major crime? How have children in Victoria benefited from this callous act? The public deserves answers to these questions.

The ACT Labor Party Platform 1991/92 (p 58) states that the ALP will "reform the law ... so that sexual acts ... above the age of 13 ... are not contrary to criminal law." The Labor party document also states that "All ALP members of the legislature will be bound by the ALP Platform". Not content with Canberra being the porn capital of Australia perhaps the ALP now wants the ACT to become the child porn capital of Australia. After all, it stands to reason that if it is legal to be screwed at 13 they should be able to be filmed as well.

Several years ago, a Bairnsdale Victoria man, prominent in schooling circles in the town was arrested, charged and convicted of several counts of molesting young boys. Philip Adams, another regular columnist for the Australian, is on record as saying incest is a taboo which should be sent back to Tonga (or some such place) and implies that this activity should no longer be against the law.

What links, if any, exist between this promotion of paedophilia in Australia and the International Academic Paedophile Movement?

In an article for the 11 Oct 1993 issue of U S News and World Report , John Leo reports that a newsman, John Miller, for New York's WNBC-TV News documented how paedophiles were employed as schoolteachers, librarians and school psychologists. Miller reports, "We thought these guys were people who lurk around outside schools. What we found was, they lurk around inside the schools."

The New York City Board of Education then hired a special investigator who recommended that a particular paedophile be fired. This paedophile served on the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) steering committee and the editorial board of the NAMBLA Bulletin which offered advice on how to entice a child into sex ("Leave a pornographic magazine someplace where he's sure to find it"). But even in the absence of a crime, says the special investigator, "his misconduct in aiding the Bulletin in publishing the advisories for paedophiles ... makes him unfit to teach children." (see appendix 1)

How many known paedophiles are employed to teach our children in the public schools of Australia? Do they follow NAMBLA's advice and leave pornographic magazines around where children can find them? It must be said that porno magazines like Playboy or Penthouse are illegal to be sold or displayed to children in New York. In Australia no restrictions apply on their sale or display. A reported ploy of the paedophiles in Australia is to simply coerce children into believing that the pornographic magazines which are freely sold in their corner shop contain normal, natural activity and behaviour for all to take part in.

The New York paedophile schoolteacher, by the way, was a regular delegate to an annual international conference of paedophiles. Groups like NAMBLA and Australia's BLAZE (see appendix 2) strive to make sex with children look legitimate. NAMBLA is a member of the International Gay and Lesbian Association (IGLA), the organisation recently expelled from the United Nations for their links with paedophile groups. (see appendix 3)

Paedophile activity in Australia does not occur in a vacuum. There would appear to be world-wide links between those who endorse the use of children for sexual purposes. How have those links been made manifest in Australia?

So-called "experts" who are used in child sex abuse cases deserve special scrutiny.
How many of these "experts" are a part of the Academic Paedophile Movement?

In the United States Dr Ralph Underwager is the Director of the Institute for Psychological Therapies in Northfield Minnesota. Underwager and his wife, Dr Hollinda Wakefield, appear as expert witnesses in court cases across the US, write articles on how to interrogate children and present training sessions to psychologists and judges. In an interview with Paidika, the Journal of Paedophilia, according to the Nov 93 edition of the US Voices magazine, Underwager tells paedophiles that they "can boldly and courageously affirm" their sexual desires for children. He also identifies himself as a Lutheran theologian and claims his wife shares his views.

PAIDIKA, The Journal of Paedophilia, bears special mention. Their "Statement of Purpose" reads: "The starting point of Paidika is necessarily our consciousness of ourselves as paedophiles... It is our contention that the oppression of paedophilia is... [a] dangerous part of the larger repression of sexuality..." (p 1-2)

The Autumn 1987 issue of Paidika, the Journal of Paedophilia, published its editor Lawrence Stanley's essay on "The Hysteria Over Child Pornography and Paedophilia" saying "children have enjoyed... adult-child sexual encounters... being nude before a camera" etc., (pp 16-27). After Stanley retitled his article "The Child Pornography Myth" and published it in US Playboy he received the "1989 Free Press Association Investigative Reporting Award". Saying the article was "advocacy" and that Stanley had a "special interest" (remember their statement of purpose identifies themselves as paedophiles) prominent FPA member and journalism chairman Professor C McDaniel strongly contested the award citing the canons of ethical journalism. (The Columbia Journalism Review, Sept/Oct 1991)

There seems to be a parallel with the US Free Press Association and Australia's Free Speech Committee. In their newsletter Free Speech (Vol 1, No 1) Paul Wilson denies the fact that there is a proven, documented causal association between pornography and sexual aggression. His use of misleading footnotes and so-called experts whose "findings" have been widely refuted does nothing to lift the debate to a scientific level. This same Wilson asserts in his book The Man They Called A Monster that he would "abolish any age of consent in sexual relations...".

Wilson also mirrors Stanley's publishing in pornographic publications. Whereas Stanley used Playboy to publish his "The Child-Pornography Myth", Wilson uses Australian Penthouse (Feb 93) to publish his article, "The Pornography Myth".
Paul Wilson is a frequent contributor to Australian Penthouse, the magazine that publishes a 3-page child molester's manual. (see appendices to this document)

Paidika, the Journal of Paedophilia (Spring 1991) reveals further inroads made by the Academic Paedophile Movement. Dr John Money, Johns Hopkins Professor Emeritus of Medical Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Professor of Pediatrics and creator of Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic, says "paedophilia is an overflow of parental pairbonding into erotic pairbonding".

PAIDIKA quotes Dr Money as saying that he draws a "distinction between child abuse or molestation and paedophilia, especially what you (Dr Money) refer to as 'affectional paedophilia'. In answer to their first question about this distinction Dr Money replies, "I prefer to not to use the words abuse or molestation, certainly not to use them loosely to mean anything having to do with sex...".

Dr John Money also tells Paidika that he wants to do away with all age of consent laws and to legalise sex homicide if consent was obtained, should a sadomasochistic paedophile or other "couple" have a "death pact" and one dies (pp. 7, 12, 13).

Dr Money's definition of paedophilia according to Paidika, the Journal of Paedophilia (Spring 1991):

"... affectional paedophilia in layman's terms... The straight forward affectional attraction to children... a paedophilic attraction to children... an overflow of parental pairbonding into erotic pairbonding... the affectional relationship, in male paedophilia at least, is a fatherly relationship...with erotic or lover-lover pairbonding... a combination of affectionate love as well as the lust factor... The erotic phases out sometime after the child passes the age of puberty... A long-lasting affectionate kind of friendship ensues."

American University President Dr Richard Berendzen was arrested and convicted of paedophile conduct. After only three weeks at Money's clinic for his paedophile activity Dr Berendzen was pronounced "physically and psychologically sound" according to the statement of Paul R McHugh, MD, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic, (16 May 1992). Dr Money's Sexual Disorders Clinic gives leeway to judges to free paedophiles.

A 1993 issue of Paidika, the Journal of Paedophilia contains an article entitled "How Dutch Paedophiles Reduced the Age of Consent to 12". (Most would be unaware of the fact that the age of sexual consent in Victoria can be as low as 10!)
A Dutch paedophile explains to Paidika how he and other paedophile lobbyists worked behind the scenes to reduce the age of consent from 16 to 12 years-of-age.

"We were lobbying for greater change... behind the scenes, in particular by the Dutch Society for Sexual Reform and the gay rights movement... the Labor Party worked hard behind the scenes... A committee of the Labor Party, of which the [paedophile] author is a member, is studying possible proposals... a weak spot is...child protection agencies are entitled to make complaints... The Dutch public did not give one hint of protest, whereas it angrily objected to the [age of consent] Bill that was announced in 1985... Although radical legislative reform can not be expected at the moment a certain normalization, step by step, as regards the thinking on paedophilia [and ending the age of consent is] achieved by the new law."

The Dutch experience sounds all too familiar. No outcry was made when the Kirner ALP government removed sexual penetration of children from the major crime index (in fact it was effectively censored by the media) nor is there any fuss made about Beatrice Faust's ridiculous statements concerning paedophilia or Paul Wilson's criminal defence (Isn't not reporting a felony, such as child molesting, considered a felony?) of the sexual molestation of young boys.

According to the Victorian Legal Aid Commission's booklet entitled, Am I Old Enough, the age of sexual consent in Victoria can be as low as 10! Children aged 10-16 can legally have sex as long as one partner is not more than two years older than the other. Just as sex education courses, really nothing more than "how to have sex" courses, in the Netherlands begins at 12 can we expect Victoria to now instruct children as young as 10? Most, if not all, of the sex education promotion in Australia goes into excruciating detail on how to have oral sex, anal sex, heterosexual sex, homosexual sex, group sex, sex toy sex, etc, etc, etc.

With the inclusion of "pseudo-child images" and "child magnets" in mainstream Australian pornographic magazines like People and the Picture, (please see "Images of Children, Crime and Violence...) we are encouraging children that this type of activity is normal, natural and engaged in by everyone at anytime.

Dr Marianne Wamboldt, a psychiatrist formerly with the U S Department of Health and Human Services Section on Comparative Studies of Brain and Behaviour, sounds this warning concerning "child magnets" and "psuedo-child imagery":
"One possible dangerous effect of these pictures is that they disinhibit the prohibition, making less secure people more aware of inappropriate sexual feelings and more confused about what to do about them."

Victorian Crown Prosecutor Richard Read echoes Dr Wamboldt's concern about pornography when he stated in the Sun-Herald of 22 December 1991 that child molesters, individuals with demonstrably poor impulse control, are "likely not only to become sexually aroused but to lose control over the mechanisms which inhibit anti-social behaviour in normal people".

Acting Detective Inspector David Jeffries of the Juvenile Aid Bureau in Brisbane is on record as saying, "Molesters often use readily available soft porn material to entice little children and break down their resistance."

Distinguished Victorian Barrister and Director of Forensic Psychology at Monash University, Dr Don Thompson, in a 1991 address to the Victorian Criminal Justice Council mentions two cases reported in the Melbourne press. One case had a headline which reads, "Judge Blames Porn for Rape". The other case, headlined "Porn Video Before Girl Raped", outlines how the accused admitted he had viewed a pornographic video before raping his 11 year old step-daughter. Dr Thompson, although saying such admissions alone should not be construed as establishing a determining link, says, "In my experience, both as a psychologist and barrister, these types of admission are not rare."

Dr Thompson told the conference, "Evidence pertaining to the harmful effects of pornography has been accumulating from many sources. These sources include:

(1) Explanations advanced by convicted sex offenders for their sexual offences;

(2) Systematic investigation of sex offenders;

(3) Corelational studies showing a relationship between the prevalence of pornography, and;

(4) Findings from psychological laboratory experiments."

Thompson says, "The conclusion I draw from the findings of the different lines of research is that pornography is causally related to sexually violent behaviour."

Aboriginal research consultant Judy Atkinson in her book Looking At The Problem says that because of porn videos from Canberra, "Young girls from 8 years upward are being sexually misused by adult Aboriginal and non Aboriginal men..."

Dr Stanley Rachman with Naudsley Hospital in London says that "A film could potentially condition some male viewers... into fantasies and later behaviour involving aggressive sex with female minors."

The United States Justice Department of Justice National Task Force on Child Exploitation and Pornography issued a press release stating, "Connections between pornography and violent sex related crimes, including rape of women and molestation of children have been proven by scientific research and hard data. They are no longer supposition."

Pornography plays a determining role in the paedophile's conditioning of small children.

Included in this submission is the Executive Summary of "Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler Magazines". The research was sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and carried out by Dr Judith Reisman at The American University in Washington DC. The researchers found, from 1953 to 1984, these three mainstream pornographic magazines yielded over 6,000 child images. Each of these magazines is readily available from virtually any of the thousands of newsagencies across Australia.

Designated as Project Number 84-JN-AX-K007 this official research project also found that "Nearly 2/3 of the child scenarios were sexual and/or violent; the dominant age bracket 3 to 11 years old; girls more prevalent than boys and more likely associated with adult males; close to 1000 sexual scenarios included children with adults; 80% of the children were actively involved in all scenes; each magazine portrayed children as unharmed and/or benefited by adult-child sex."

Several issues were raised in this US study that are important to Australia.

Among them:

(1) What role, if any, have the mainstream porn magazines played in making children appear to be more sexually accessible and available in Australia?
(2) Has the pornography in Australia contributed to a rise in the sexual abuse and exploitation of children?

(3) Has the "sexualised" imagery of children reduced taboos and inhibitions restraining abusive, neglectful or exploitative behaviour toward children?

(4) Has this sexualisation of children trivialised child sexual abuse to such an extent that children are no longer afforded adequate protection? Australian Penthouse (Sept 1988) published a 3-page instructional manual on how to abduct and molest Australian schoolgirls. (see section "Assault on Schoolgirls" and appendices)

(5) Does any undo association exist between those who promote pornography or paedophilia and Australia's legislators, researchers, jurors or educators?
(6) What inroads into school curriculum and legislative decisions have been made by those who promote no age of consent laws and sexual freedom for small children?

These and other important questions need to be answered.

The International Academic Paedophile Movement would appear to be alive and well in the United States, Europe and elsewhere overseas. Paedophile activity in Australia mirrors much of this international paedophile activity. Is there some form of organised association behind the promotion of children as sexually accessible and available? The answer would appear to be a resounding "YES".

If a reduction in the numbers of children being sexually misused is desired in Australia then we would suggest serious consideration be given to the questions asked and points raised in this submission. Urgent implementation of AFF's Ten Policy Initiatives concerning pornography is recommended (see appendix 5) and, given to the high propensity of homosexuals to molest children, same-sex unions should not be considered as marriage and in no way should homosexual couples be allowed to adopt children or act in a caretaker position over children.

Children in Australia are our most precious resource. The society we are handing them leaves a lot to be desired and making our children more safe from paedophiles should be granted high priority. The media and academia have a strong role to play and the inroads made by the International Academic Paedophile Movement should not be considered coincidental. Hopefully, for our children's sake, the National Crime Authority will be able to successfully counter these inroads.

Prepared by Jack Sonnemann
for the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority
Australian Federation for the Family
PO Box 106
Canterbury Victoria 3126

PO Box 768
Jamison ACT 2614




This section includes the front cover and back cover of two mainstream pornographic magazines.

Both these magazines are classified as "unrestricted" by Office of Film and Literature Classification.

"Unrestricted" means there are no requirements for ANY restrictions being placed upon the sale or display of these magazine, just like a Mickey Mouse comic.

Although both magazines contain numerous pages of "AO" products, promote Dial-a-Porn phone numbers, advertise X-Rated videos, sex toys, products and services of a sexual nature and editorial content clearly intended for an "Adult Only" audience they are legally available for sale to our children of any age.

The back covers of each magazine contain full colour advertisements for children's material. Combining characters identified by the U S Justice Department as "child magnets" which are unique to the childhood world of entertainment and "Adult Only" products and services is an abhorrent practice which must be stopped.

Paedophiles are known to use such material to entice little children into accepting the activity and behaviour depicted in the magazines as acceptable.



This section contains numerous illustrations of the portrayal of Australian schoolgirls as being sexually accessible and available.

Since child pornography is theoretically against the law these images are not
really children but "pseudo-child" imagery, or adults purposely portrayed as children.

Any number of "copy cat" crimes, as documented in several newspaper articles across Australia, could be directly attributed to these pictorials depicting schoolgirls in various sexual situations.

There is no excuse for the Australian Penthouse magazine article "The Schoolgirl". This 3 page step by step instructional manual for abducting and molesting Australian schoolgirls is called "humour" by Penthouse.

The Australian Government can no longer shield an industry that puts our children at such grave risk.

Hopefully, for our children's sake, the National Crime Authority will recommend that the practice of placing "pseudo-child" imagery, adults portrayed as children, in Australian pornographic magazines be stopped forthwith.



This section is taken from Chapter 3 of the Submission on the Decriminalisation of Homosexuality by the Australian Federation for the Family and originally prepared for and presented to the Queensland Criminal Justice Committee.

Our children face a grave threat from Australian homosexuals.

Scientific studies indicate that homosexual practitioners commit between 1/3 and 1/2 of all recorded instances of child molestation yet they make up less than 2% of the population.

Homosexuals have accounted for about half of all molestations of those who work with children.

Homosexual teachers have been involved in 80% of the recorded teacher-pupil sexual interactions thereby making it clear that those who are disturbed enough to sexually desire their own gender should not be placed in a position of caretaker over children.

We have included a page from the Gay Community News, a homosexual newspaper in the US, where a homosexual activist outlines some of the goals of the homosexual movement. (see appendix 4)

The homosexual propensity toward paedophilia should be recognised and guarded against.



There is a little known movement made up of international "experts" in the media, science, literature, academia and other fields who are actively promoting the false idea that early childhood sex is good for children, or at least not harmful to them.

This movement which is known as the Academic Paedophile Movement seems to have made great headway in Australia.

This section of AFF's submission touches briefly on some of those who could be considered for membership in such a movement.



"Fantasies excited by pornography often provide the initial impetus for paedophilia" syndicated columnist Don Feder, Boston Herald 6 June 1988

This section contains the Executive Summary of the official U S Justice Department study of images of children, crime and violence in the three most popular mainstream pornographic magazines available in the United States.

The Justice Department commissioned this study because of the prevalence of pornographic material in crimes against children.

This document clearly outlines the intrinsic danger of allowing the Australian smut-for-profit industry to continue to sexualise our children.



Appendix 1) Pedophiles in the Schools article from U S News and World Report, 11 October 1993.

Appendix 2) BLAZE copy of Australia's own paedophile newsletter.

Appendix 3) UNITED NATIONS EXPELS HOMOSEXUAL GROUP media release from the Australian Federation for the Family, 19 September 1994.

Appendix 4) "We shall sodomize your sons" article from Gay Community News.


About A.F.F.

We have been full time lobbyists for Aussie families since 1983.  AFF is dedicated to upholding Biblical family values, promoting a Biblical Christian worldview, and educating and mobilising concerned individuals to positively affect their homes, communities, country and world.

We not only encourage Christians to be "salt" and "light", but provide credible strategies for doing so.  One of our specific goals is the removal of pornography from the family marketplace where children have access.

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