The Australian Medical Association says cannabis is "a major obstacle to school, work or life goals. Regular use has clear negative consequences. Cannabis can often be a trigger for schizophrenia and manic depression. Memory loss, psychosis, impaired driving, hallucinations, asthma and even lung cancer can all be brought on by cannabis use."
Yet Prof. Pennington's committee has recommended legalising cannabis in Victoria! Clear thinking Victorians have been flooding Melbourne Parliament with so many letters against legal pot that (although Kennett asked for public input on this very topic) the Victorian Premier is now asking for letters to cease. AFF members should all realise this means to step up the pressure!
Write to Premier Kennett, Parliament House, Melbourne 3000 and ask him to turf Pennington's dangerous and absurd proposal. Mr Kennett's phone number is (03) 96515000, his fax is (03) 96515298.